

Stress is a common experience in our fast-paced society, arising from jam packed daily routines and chronic life pressures and expectations. While stress can sometimes help you focus and push through completing a challenging or mundane tasks, frequent, prolonged and intense stress can strain both your mental and physical health and hinder your ability to function.

Everyone experiences stress differently. Physical symptoms may include headaches, nausea, and sleep difficulties. Behavioural changes can include irritability, withdrawal, and increased use of alcohol or drugs. Emotional changes might involve heightened anxiety, anger, sadness, and frustration.

Research has shown that long-term, chronic stress negatively affects emotional and physical health. It increases cortisol levels, weakening the immune system and affecting the digestive, reproductive, and growth systems. Chronic stress is linked to illnesses like high blood pressure and obesity, as well as mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and addiction.

How to Decrease Stress

Recognizing stress as a problem and identifying its causes are crucial steps. Sorting stressors into those with practical solutions, those that improve with time, and those beyond control can help you feel more in control. Setting realistic expectations, prioritizing commitments, asking for help, and saying no to additional tasks are key strategies.

Other helpful methods include:

  1. Be Mindful: Practicing daily mindfulness or meditation can manage and reduce stress.
  2. Exercise: Engage in enjoyable physical activities to naturally produce stress-relieving hormones.
  3. Eat Healthy: A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can stabilize mood and combat stress.
  4. Build Supportive Relationships: Close friends or family can offer help and practical advice.
  5. Monitor Smoking and Drinking: Reducing these behaviours can decrease feelings of anxiety.
  6. Take Time Out: Balancing responsibilities to others with self-care is essential for reducing stress levels.

If you are struggling with stress that you just can’t get on top of, the Psychologists at the Rosy Room can help. To learn more or book an appointment, contact us at 07 3818 2076 or email us at

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